
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. AJSLP
    Four cases of children with phonological impairment and precocious vocabulary: making sense of a clinical conundrum
    H. Hearnshaw , E. Baker , R. Pomper, and 3 more authors
    American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,, Jul 2024
  2. IJLCD
    I remembered the chorm! Word learning abilities of children with and without phonological impairment
    H. Hearnshaw , E. Baker , R. Pomper, and 3 more authors
    International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders,, May 2024


  1. JSLHR
    The relationship between speech perception, speech production, and vocabulary abilities in children: Insights from by-group and continuous analyses
    H. Hearnshaw , E. Baker , R. Pomper, and 3 more authors
    Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research,, Mar 2023


  1. JSLHR
    Direct instruction improves word learning for children with Developmental Language Disorder
    R. Pomper, K. K. McGregor , T. Arbisi-Kelm , and 2 more authors
    Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research,, Nov 2022
  2. JADD
    Use of mutual exclusivity and its relationship to language ability in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder
    J. Mathée-Scott , C. Larson , C. Venker , and 4 more authors
    Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,, Oct 2022
  3. ICD
    Valid points and looks: Reliability and validity go hand-in-hand when improving infant methods
    M. Zettersten , R. Pomper, and J. Saffran
    Infant and Child Development,, May 2022
  4. LLD
    Change is hard: Individual differences in children’s lexical processing and executive functions after a shift in dimensions
    R. Pomper, M. Kaushanskaya , and J. R. Saffran
    Language Learning and Development,, Apr 2022
  5. CogSci
    What children with Developmental Language Disorder teach us about cross-situational word learning
    K. K. McGregor , E. Smolak , E. Jones , and 4 more authors
    Cognitive Science,, Feb 2022


  1. LDR
    Children’s language abilities predict success in remote communication contexts
    K. K. McGregor , R. Pomper, N. Eden , and 3 more authors
    Language Development Research,, Oct 2021
  2. Cogn
    Coarticulation facilitates lexical processing for toddlers with autism
    R. Pomper, S. Ellis Weismer , J. R. Saffran , and 1 more author
    Cognition,, Sep 2021


  1. Autism Res
    Comparing automatic eye tracking and manual gaze coding methods in young children with autism spectrum disorder
    C. E. Venker , R. Pomper, T. Mahr , and 3 more authors
    Autism Research,, Feb 2020


  1. JADD
    Specificity of phonological representations for children with autism spectrum disorder
    R. Pomper, S. Ellis Weismer , J. R. Saffran , and 1 more author
    Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,, Aug 2019
  2. JSLHR
    Phonological learning influences label-object mapping in toddlers
    E. Breen , R. Pomper, and J. R. Saffran
    Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research,, Jun 2019
  3. Child Dev
    Familiar object salience affects novel word learning
    R. Pomper, and J. R. Saffran
    Child Development,, Mar 2019


  1. PLoS One
    Roses are red, socks are blue: Switching dimensions disrupts young children’s language processing
    R. Pomper, and J. R. Saffran
    PLoS One,, Jun 2016